Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Are We Better Than Our Forefathers Essay

Have you ever pondered the fact that we are better than our forefathers? If you think otherwise, I’ll explain why I think this way. Most people say that our forefathers’ lives were very peaceful. We have technology at our hands and we have made atom bombs and weapons. For destruction you might say, but that’s not true because we are making these for our protection. Our forefathers lived without many modern amenities and inventions such as electricity, aero planes, microwave ovens and more, whereas we cannot even imagine life without laptops and cellular phones. Even children play with such things. The greatest drawback of the lives that our forefathers led was that of education; the people were mostly uneducated and were unaware the major issues of life. Their thinking was limited to their surroundings and they were not aware or bothered about what was happening in other parts of the world. We are living an active life, whereas our forefather led simple, idle lives. We have clear concepts in our minds whereas the people who lived in the past had many complex issues in their minds. Young never knew the philosophy of life and children were busy with playing games only. Today, we can communicate with people in different countries within no time — thanks to telephone and email.. However, in the past it would take months to send message from one country to another or one place to another. Today, people possess knowledge about every layer within the earth whereas our forefathers living in the past were only familiar with well water. We can even touch the skies, thanks to the major strides that have been made in the field of commutation. The sky is the limit when it comes to development and progress in our age. We have overcome time and space and are covering large distances in a short span of time. While in the past people travelled on foot or in horse driven carriages now we have bullet trains and super sonic aero planes. Of course, all these facts prove that we are leading better lives than our forefathers but it is a fact that the next generation will be better than us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Learning Plan Essay

The learning plan described in this paper is to have students debate a topic related to the Civil War. The debate topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons?† The main concept of this learning plan is to have students work collaboratively to research facts, and recall and use facts from the Civil War unit to incorporate into their arguments. (It should be noted that the learning plan described in this paper will take several classes to complete, however the learning plan procedures will only address the class where the debate will occur.) It is assumed that debate skills were taught in a previous class. The learning theory certainly incorporates constructivist aspects. They are constructing knowledge rather than absorbing it. This is constructivist approach is illustrated through the collaborative nature of the assignment, as well as through the research that students’ must produce. In terms of the use of technology a nd media; the students will be instructed to research one source of information, from the internet, related to their argument. They must submit a one-page analysis of the information in which they found along with a references page. This must be submitted to the teacher a week before the scheduled debate. The teacher will assess the content of the paper, but the references page will also be important. Teacher must evaluate the kinds of internet sources that the students have used. The credibility of the internet source, and the strength of student’s research will be analyzed by the teacher. The purpose is to assess student’s traditional literacy and critical analytical skills (assessed when evaluating the content), and information literacy/interpretation skills of online material (assessed by reviewing the reference page). Finally, the teacher will hand back papers to the students, and he/she will instruct each group to use at least two of their group members’ papers into their group’s arguments. Media and technology will also be incorporated with the use of social media. The teacher will tell students that their debates will be recorded and submitted to youtube or a private school website (if issues of privacy are raised). Others will be allowed to view the video to evaluate the strength of each team’s arguments. Based on the comments of public viewers, a winner will be chosen (by popular vote). This popular vote will be incorporated as a small percentage into the assessment. This is being done as to allow students to  participate in new media opportunities within an educational context. Learning Plan Context Setting The high needs school will be a High School in the Bay Area, either in San Francisco or Oakland. There will be 25-30 students in an individual classroom.  The lesson will take place the week after the Civil War unit is finished. It is anticipated that the unit will last about two weeks, therefore the debate class will occur during the third week. The actual debate class will take up one class period. The content area is US History/Politics. The grade level is Juniors (11th grade). In sum, the curriculum unit is 11th grade, US History/Politics, Civil War unit. Standards According to California standards for literacy in History/Social Studies in 6-12th grades. A student must be able to demonstrate analysis of primary and secondary sources, and connect these insights to the understanding of the whole text. This ability will be addressed and assessed when students must incorporate information learned from the textbook with information gained from the internet, and use both sources of information, into their debate. The student’s ability to undertake this task will be evaluated by the teacher with the submission of student’s sources, and also during the debate. ( Also according to California standards, students must be able to evaluate various explanations for events and actions. Learning Objective Students will be able to collaboratively demonstrate their knowledge of Civil War policy, events and information, from the textbook and from online sources, by formulating arguments to be presented within a debate. Learning Theory Applications Constructivism is certainly at play in this lesson plan: The activity allows knowledge to be organized into schemas, concepts, and worldviews. This activity is emphasizing the use of authentic activities by constructing knowledge through interaction with the environments (internet and peers), and applying it to real-life situations (debate). The collaborative component certainly illustrates constuctivism; learners will help each other create conceptual connections. Finally, students are working autonomously with the help of the teacher as facilitator, supporter, and model (Ormrod, 2006). Learning Accommodations: Individualized Education Plan for Special Accomodations: In each team, all students will be assigned a role. For example, â€Å"speaker†, â€Å"writer†, â€Å"time-keeper†. A student’s IEP will be taken into consideration when assigning roles. A student with an IEP, will be assigned a role that best fits their IEP. For example, a student with ADD, may be best suited to be a time-keeper since their attention span is not as focused. They may be anxious to change the pace of the group’s discussions, and therefore they may be eager to keep track of the time. Language Development needs: When assigning the internet-based research; the teacher will give ELL students a website to navigate to, instead of having the students navigate the internet themselves. Teacher will give explicit instructions as to where to look on the website so students do not feel too overwhelmed with the English language. Teacher will ask the students to try to comprehend some of the information, however if this proves too difficult, then the teacher will ask the students to find 15-20 words from the website that the student did not understand. The student will then find the meanings of these words in their own language. They must write at least a paragraph about the Civil War unit incorporating five of the words that they found on the internet. Also,  at least two of these words must be incorporated into the arguments of their team. Gifted and Talented needs: This is a challenging component to consider because a gifted/talented student does not necessarily mean an academic-rigorous student. To really tailor the lesson to address the interests of a gifted/talented student, then the teacher will have to be familiar with the personality of that particular student. However, some situations will be addressed here. First of all, from the research, the lesson itself befits that of a gifted/talented studen t. Competition, which characterizes a debate, usually suits the nature of gifted/talented students. The first situation to consider is a student who is gifted/talented, but not academically rigorous. This student will be given a leadership role within his/her team. He/she may be assigned to organize/manage all the ideas of the students. He/she is the one who will be given the rubric for what the teacher is assessing when observing the team’s discussions and arguments. He/she is the manager, and he/she will be assessed on their ability to keep his/her team on task. In this way, this student isn’t necessarily doing more â€Å"academic† work, but he/she is being challenged in a rather difficult manner. A second situation to consider is to have a gifted/talented student who is academically rigorous. The teacher will give this student a second component to add to his/her research paper. The student must connect textbook material and internet material to the US politics o f today. This is increasing the cognitive process from analyze (which all students must do with their research papers) to evaluate (Anderson and Krathwol, 2001). The student can choose to incorporate this extra component into their team’s arguments. Resource Accommodations: Low tech: There are no computers, projector, or internet access in the classroom. If this is the case, teacher may have to allocate time in different lessons to use school facilities where computers are available. Computers must be used so that the teacher can show students the kinds of websites that are credible, as well as to use sites, like youtube, to show students examples of debates. Computer use is necessary so teacher may have to take time before or after school to meet with students (who are willing) to show them the above-mentioned websites. Mid tech: One computer connected  to a projector is available in the classroom. The teacher can use this computer to show examples of credible websites, as well as to show examples of debates online. High tech: Class is equipped with several computers. Teams can go online themselves to view videos of debates and start research for their paper. In this way, the collaborative nature of the lesson will start even earlier (in the pre-plan ning stage). Content-Based Literacy Skills In terms of text-based literacy; students must incorporate information from their textbook into their arguments Critical thinking, reflective thought, and text-supported thinking will be illustrated when students must draw connections between internet-based information and textbook information while doing their analysis/research paper. This connection will be evaluated when student’s cute their sources within their paper. (This explanation will also illustrate students’ information literacy.) New Media Literacy Skills Performance: This skill is illustrated when students view sample debates on the internet and use this as models of performance in their own debates. Collective Intelligence: This skill is done when students are within their respective teams and they must draw upon their own and others ideas, research, and knowledge to formulate strong arguments. Judgement: This skill is illustrated when students must judge which websites and information are to be included in their research/analysis paper. Networking: Once again, this skill is illustrated when students must search, connect, and analyze information on the internet for the purpose of their research/analysis paper (Jenkins, 2001). Learning Material: Textbook: Learners will need textbook so that they can recall information. Paper, pen: Leaners will need so that they can write down information. Rubric: Both the learner and teacher needs. Learners need it so that they are aware of what’s expected of them while working in teams and formulating their arguments. Teacher needs it so that he/she can refer to it when assessing the team’s progress. Notes: Learners will need them as a reference when formulating arguments. Stopwatch/watch: This will be given to  the student whose job is timekeeper. Video Camera: Used to record the debate Learning Plan Procedures Phase I: Motivation Activity Teacher will show a short clip of a very powerful, interesting debate. Possibly a presidential debate. The clip will only show the most poignant part (according to the teacher) of the debate. Hopefully the clip will be no longer than 5 minutes long. (if there’s no computer available, then teacher must bring in her/his own computer.) In a class of 30 chair/table. There will be 15 chairs/ tables on each side of the room. They will be facing eachother. Learners will enter the classroom and sit down immediately with their team. The teacher will then show the video as soon as the class is seated and quiet. This activity is being done to motivate, encourage, and remind students of what a good debate looks like so that the output of the students’ debates can match skills such as speaking (clear and concise) and eye-contact of the debaters within the video. Phase II: Input (Teacher Driven) Activity: During this class, the teacher will, serve only as facilitator, therefore not much activity will be driven by the teacher. However, after the video, the teacher will remind students of the rubric that was given to them, and tell students that she/he is only their to assist in the logistics of the debate (time, flow, managing emotions if this becomes a problem). The teacher will also instruct students to take notes on each other’s arguments because this assignment will be important for their homework assignment. She/he will also remind student that they will be recorded. Teacher will tell all students to take out their rubrics. She/He will go over some key point from the rubric as it relates to the debate. The teacher will tell students to make sure that they keep these key points in mind because these points will be assessed during the debate. The teacher will instruct students to have their rubrics out for the entire class so they can monitor their team’s progress by themselves. Teacher will formally go over key questions from the rubric that he/she hopes the teams have incorporated into the nature of the debate (clear speech, eye contact,  concise points, respectful behavior) as well as into the content of the debate. In term of the nature of the debate, questions might look like â€Å"Is my team being quiet/respectful as the other team presents their arguments?†, â€Å"Are my responses to the other’s teams arguments not insulting?† etc. In terms of the content of the debate, questions may look like, â€Å"Did my team incorporate facts from the textbook?†, â€Å"Did my team use at least two credible internet sources within the argument?†, â€Å"Did my team follow special instructions assigned by the teacher (e.g. incorporating ideas from IEP students, ELL student, gifted students)?.† This activity and these questions serve to remind students of the importance of the collaborative nature of the learning objective. They also serve to remind students that they must be able to demonstrate their understanding of the Civil War unit, as well as their understanding of outside sources within the context of an argument. Phase III: Output (Learner Driven) Activity Students will take part in a debate. The topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons?† This activity will illustrate the learning objective in several ways. First, the collaborative nature of the previous classes will finally be demonstrated. Second, the students must illustrate their knowledge of Civil War policies within their arguments. Third, both sides’ arguments must include information from outside sources. The teacher will select one team to present their arguments first. Recording will begin The speaker of that team will stand up and come to the front of the class. They will present their team’s argument. In the argument they must mention the sources in which they got their information. For example, if they got a particular piece of data from the textbook, then they must state â€Å"As is presented in the textbook†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . If they got a particular piece of data from the internet then they must state, â€Å"As is presented on so-called website, or by so-called author†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They must also explicitly state how they used the â€Å"special instructions† from the teacher. For example, â€Å"(ELL’s student’s name) found that ‘compromise’ was not a possible solution of the Civil War.† In this example, it is assumed that compromise was on a list of words that an ELL student did not understand. He/she presented these list of words to  his/her team. The team reviewed the list, and chose to use the word compromise as part of their argument. The student will finish the presentation of his/her argument. The teacher will tell the next team to present its argument. The team will follow the same procedure as above. The teacher will then stop recording of the debate. This debate will naturally lead to questions, comments from both the teacher and the students. Phase IV: Culmination  The teacher will ask the groups to clear up any misunderstandings or misinformation the teams may have had within their argument. This is to give other team members a chance to speak about the argument, which reinforces the collaborative effort of the lesson. The teacher will also ask students how their team’s or the other team’s information and debate skills differed and how these things were similar to the debate presented in the beginning of the class. As a smaller activity, the teacher will instruct all the students to come up with one question, comment, critique of the other team’s argument. This assignment will illustrate each student’s understanding of the Civil War Unit because it challenges students to relate, connect, or counter-argue their own knowledge of the unit. This question will be submitted to the teacher. Phase V: Exten sion For homework, students will write a one-page analysis of the opposing teams arguments. The student will address the opposing side’s arguments. He/she will evaluate the argument’s weaknesses, strengths; and why he/she disagreed or agreed with the points that were made. Learning Plan Analysis Formative assessments will include analyzing the collaborative efforts of the team, the behavior of each team during the presentation of the opposing team’s arguments, how well each team member took on their role within their team, and how well the team incorporated textbook information, outside information, and ‘†special instructions† from the teacher into their argument. A summative assessment will include the teacher’s evaluation of the internet analysis/research paper, the one-page analysis of opposing team’s argument, teacher’s evaluations of the strength of the arguments, and finally the â€Å"popular vote† (the results of youtube or school-based website). Weaknesses of this lesson plan include time constraints, and the many assessments involved. It may be difficult to accurately assess how well each team members took on their roles. Some students may still be taking on more work than others. Also, incorporating ELL/IEP students proved to be a difficult task.. Strength of the lesson is it fosters team work, analytical skills, and gives students more power in the direction and implementation of a lesson. The teacher will implement these varied assessments in its first year, and then will evaluate the effectiveness of these assessments for future classes. The learning theories applied in the first phase was Vygotzky’s Cognitive Process. Students are witnessing two adults debating and they are expected to try to learn/imitate the behaviors of those adults. In the second phase, social cognitive theory is at play. The teacher both models desired behaviors/outcomes, as well as emphasizes self-efficacy and self-regulation. In the third phase, constructivism is illustrated. The debate is student-driven because the students are demonstrating their constructed knowledge within the debate. The assessments have a behaviorist component. Negative reinforcement (decrease a behavior) is illustrated when the teacher warns students that if they are not respectful or a team member does not contribute meaningfully, then they may be marked down (Ormrod, 2008). References Anderson, L. W. , & Krathwol, D. R. (2001) . A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing, 28-31. California Department of Education. (2013) California Common Core State Standards. Jenkins, H., Clinton, K., Purushotma, R., Robison, A. J., and Weigel, M. (2006). â€Å"Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century.† Chicago, IL: MacArthur Foundation. Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Educational Psychology Developing Learners, 8. 25-36. Teachers First. (2014)

Monday, July 29, 2019

My hobby (listening music) Essay

What is music? Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music. Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names. I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again. If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.

Labor Relation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Labor Relation - Term Paper Example Sometimes referred to as employment law, labor law deals with and differentiates the work and the relationship between employers and employees. The main purpose of labor law, which also encompasses common bargaining processes, is to stimulate employers and employees towards the amicable solution of problems in case of wrongdoing by one or both parties. For an illustration, labor law seeks to protect workers from exploitation by their employers by way of poor working conditions or low wages. Any employers or organizations found guilty of infringing on these laws may be punished by monitory means, imprisonment, or expulsion/withdrawal of license among others. It is thus imperative that every employee becomes conversant with the various labor laws; statutes and regulations that relate to their workers and businesses in a similar way. This information on labor law would help an employer establish the best and most effective policies on safety, wages, employee benefits, health, and non-di scrimination. Nonetheless, employers should appreciate the fact that labor laws constantly undergo regulatory and statutory changes and they need to keep pace with these changes. Generally, labor law touches on wages and hours worked safety and health standards, health benefits, retirement standards, child labor, and workers ‘compensation. The other concerns of labor laws are workplace standards, work authorization for non-citizens, contracts (working conditions), and equal employment opportunities.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CBS examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CBS examination - Essay Example For instance, governments use trade associations in ensuring the production is meeting the demand. Therefore, the trade associations have to generate ways of stabilising production to reflect the demand levels. Similarly, governments could use cooperatives in increasing production of goods and services. These cooperatives could be private organisations that specialise in different types of production or service lines. In addition to this, a government can use multi-level production methods that increase production. A perfect example of the different business models that are used is the induction of People’s Bank of China (Luo, Xue and Han, 2010:71). This was an institution that was used to boost the outward foreign direct investment in the country. In ensuring the participation of PBC was successful, the government had to use monetary and the foreign exchange policy. As such, it motivated the Chinese firms which increased their production and extended the OFDI abroad. Therefor e, it is openly displayed that some activities are deemed to increase the production of goods and services, which could also be exported to earn foreign exchange and boost local currency’s strength globally. According to historical developments, countries have used capitalism as a way of improving on their production capacities. Countries that have a strong muscle seem to increase their production by investing in a variety of businesses (McDonald, Burton and Dowling, 2002:13). As such, countries with massive investments end up benefitting more thereby increasing their economic growth. Historically, countries that relied on capitalism are more developed than those that were allied to socialism. In capitalism, different levels of production accrued different levels of profit, which made a difference in the whole economy. However, in socialism, all production levels that recorded gains were directed to the whole economy. Therefore, there was a difference in the production levels in countries that supported socialism from those that supported capitalism. In this line, capitalism has complex methods that ensure all the factors of production are fully utilised. In recent times, countries have been trying to structure better ways of production and service provision. These structures are aimed to ensure the economy is growing at increasingly fast rate. However, it all depends on the roadmaps that are used in structuring the process. As such, many countries are directed towards economic liberalisation, increasing free trade and opening new markets for their products. Similarly, some countries are enhancing the private sector production, decreasing regulations in doing business and privatising some of the public corporations (Luo, Xue and Han, 2010:73). With such strategies, the economy gains by producing more as the different parts of the economy work towards a common goal. In making this a success, many of the regulations put in place are directed towards stren gthening the private sector. They deregulate the concentration of other production phases and ensure the private sector is booming and producing more. For instance, China banked on privatisation of many industries that produced more as compared to the current state; this culminated to a remarkable economic growth. Capitalism and neo-liberalism have their differences and convergent points which are dependent on the way the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Giving tips about how to play soccer well Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Giving tips about how to play soccer well - Essay Example The Korean government has always invested a lot into the soccer industry because it is a good way to unite the nation. As far as playing soccer is concerned, it apparently seems to be very easy to play. I, however, guarantee you that when you go to the field to play soccer, it is not going to be that simple as you imagine. Therefore, I have decided to share some tips with you so as to train you to better play soccer. First of all, let me introduce the sport. Soccer is played between two 11-player teams. The players try to get points by kicking the ball, passing, shooting, heading, all by using their body except hands. To play soccer, the basic elements needed include a spherical ball, teammates, opponents, ground marked with boundaries and goals opposite each other. The teams must know all soccer rules. Readers! Do not worry, here come the tips. The first thing to remember is that there should be always appropriate form of clothing to play soccer. Have you ever gone to a dance party with your night suit on? Or, have you ever seen the bride wearing a lousy T-shirt and a pajama? Most probably, you have not (or have you?) Similarly, to play soccer, you must have proper clothes and safety gear. You need to have the clothes that the wind can easily go through because you will sweat like a pig when you are on the field. You need soccer shoes not only to prevent you from slipping on a grass field, but also to help you kick the ball more powerfully and accurately. This gear will assist you to improve your athletic ability. Glasses are not the recommended gear because you can get hurt if the ball hits your face. It can give you a serious wound, like the one I received last weekend. Oh! It still hurts. I wish I had never thought of the idea of having those glasses on! It can happen to anybod y so you should be aware of this beforehand. Remember that you play sports to have fun and not to get hurt. Now, you

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sumatran Tigers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sumatran Tigers - Research Paper Example There are two major factors that have caused the Sumatran tigers to become critically endangered – agricultural growth and increased poaching. Sumatra has undergone extensive deforestation as a result of agricultural growth, especially in the production of palm oil. This has caused the tiger habitats to become limited to the Kerinci Seblat and Gunung Leuser national parks and some unprotected areas. Again, tigers that live in unprotected areas are at increased risk of poaching and killing as they frequently enter nearby villages in search of food. Since the 1990s, Sumatran tigers have been hunted for their bones which are an important ingredient in traditional Asian medicines especially to treat rheumatism. Tiger bones and other products of the tiger are also used in magical practices that are conducted in Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. These products are used as â€Å"ingredients for prescriptions or as amulets to ward off evil spirits† (Shepherd & Magnus 11). I n fact, Indonesia has been identified as the major supplier of tiger bones and other tiger products from 1975 to 1992 in the South Korean Customs import records (Shepherd & Magnus 37). The skins and bones of Sumatra Tigers are also exported internationally. Tiger teeth and claws are also used to custom design gold pendants to cater to international tourists.Tiger skins and stuffed tigers are also in great demand in the domestic market with policemen, army personnel, government officials and business men as the primary customers.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Money and banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Money and banking - Essay Example Jefferson argues that since no mention of any mandate was present, Congress had no such right. Hamilton dismissed Jefferson’s arguments by citing that Congress has â€Å"necessary and proper powers† to implement the nation’s fiscal and monetary policy. He added that a central bank fits perfectly into this scheme, by making it easier for Congress to do the job. If there were one central bank coordinating all banks, Congress could easily hold one accountable. Eventually, Hamilton’s arguments won, and this would set the practice of establishing central banks for the years to come, beginning with the First Bank of the United States of America. (Johnson 7) This should be viewed actually as the triumph of the power of money over democracy. Money could be represented by paper marked by the government as legal tender. In itself, it is harmless to democracy. But left to the hands of unscrupulous individuals and bankers, money can be used to damage democracy as can be seen in the succeeding events. During the term of James Madison, the bill seeking to renew the First Bank’s Charter was defeated by a narrow margin. Madison liked the outcome, but chaos ensued. The War of 1812 made the US Government to focus its effort in surviving against England. As a result, state-chartered banks began issuing different fiat currencies with little value. Proponents of central banking then blamed Madison for such troubles. Near the end of his term, Madison was forced to sign the charter of the Second Bank of America, as this was the popular clamor of Representatives. (Johnson 9) Thus, although there were hopes that democracy will prevail over the system of credit, central banking won. This episode illustrates clearly the fact that because of money, efforts to implement what is good for the general public can be undermined. Fast forward to 1907,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Anishinabi Clan System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anishinabi Clan System - Essay Example These people are also interrelated with a help of any kind of kinship – internal or external. In some cultures the representatives of the clan should be the relatives, they speak about the close and far, internal and external relationships, among their family members the representative of the clan under the study will enumerate all the known relatives; in this system each person had a specific name like the sibling of same gender was named niikaanis. So, we can say that the clan system is not a brand new thing in our world, but the clan system of Anishinabi is very peculiar. During our classes we studied the cultural, religious and historical features of the American clan system. So, let’s take a close look at the peculiarities of the Anishinabi clan. The history of our society knows a lot of examples of the people’s unions, one of which is the clan system. There is not much information about the Anishinabis, but we can find enough to study their clan system. This is the group of people that lives in the North America. It was one of many Algonquian-speaking groups that inhabited this part of the continent now it is the last one that remained. The native inhabitants used to call this land the Turtle Island and created their myths around their native land. These people preserve their culture and traditions with a help of inter-tribal marriages and relations. The Anishinaabe clan incorporates the Odawa, Ojibwa, and Algonquin people, who inhabit the lands of the modern Ontario state. They are related by their traditions and language. To the point, we also have to mention that the whole clan was, and still is, divided into five main groups named: th e Bimaawidaasi, the Giishkizhigwan, the Nooke, the Baswenaazhi and finally the Bemaangik. Originally the whole nation was divided into so-called odoodeman which equals the modern understanding of clans and groups. Each group had its own ruler who was also

Article review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Review - Article Example It is important to note that this business is not restricted to a particular group of individual since any person can engage in it. For instance, a person operating a small candy shop who has not been licensed is participating in an undercover economy because he or she is not willing to pay taxes on income received from business sales. Additionally, it is very difficult to approximate what percentage of a country’s economy is undercover but it has been argued that capitalistic countries like United States of America have a smaller undercover economy compared to socialistic countries like Russia (Pascale 2010). When people evade paying their taxes, it is dangerous to the economy. If people do not engage in a cash transaction activity, their money in the bank does not get work as disbursed due to the undercover economy, then that capital does not account for anything thus having zero impact to the individual and to the larger economy. The underlying assumptions are that a person engages in undercover economy in order to tame the increasing costs of living due to inflation and stagnant salaries. Most of this people live in rural areas and some are not aware that they participating in undercover economy. In most cases, big firms are the ones that escape stringent policies set by the government because they tend to pay high taxes than any other business. There is no distinction between transparency and undercover economy in the government and business sector. Government and big businesses usually play games with taxpayers’ funds. The secondary claims in this article is that undercover economy is beneficial to the individual since he or she is in a position to use more money to fund his or her activities. However, the undercover economy greatly affects the nations GDP because there is no enough capital to fund government projects and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Congressional Term Limits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Congressional Term Limits - Essay Example Incumbents get an advantage of being re-elected again and again, after they have built their reputation. They are also benefitted by the support of their own party, in addition to groups with special interest during the election campaigns, hence giving the challengers a very tough opposition. In such cases, term limits makes sure that the elections are fair by reducing the difference between the incumbents and newcomers. Term limits also helps in generating congressional revenue. Due to easier re-election, incumbents keep the Congress away from the entrantlike, John Dingel, since 1955 have been serving forthe past fifty years as a House of Representative and is a democrat from Michigan. By forming the term limits, many incumbents are forced to give up, leaving their position vacant for the newcomers. This also improves the turnover rate within the Congress. Term limits also enables to protect Congress’s independent judgment. Providing services for a long time often result in making congressmen loyal to bureaucracy and to other colleagues. Logrolling can be one of the best examples of this act, the legislator exchange favours with one another. This includes trading votes to facilitate a particular legislature passage. This does not allow the congressmen to make separate and critical judgement about the legislature; this will put the term limits to an end. Both advantages and disadvantages run side by side. The point of apprehension is that term limits shall be an unconstitutional measure. According to article1 of constitution, none of senator or the representatives will be re-elected indefinitely. A constitutional amendment will be made along with an appropriate justification for necessity of term limit, prior to imposing congressional term limits. Term limits also tends to restrict the choices offered to the voter, which proves to be undemocratic as is it a right of every

Monday, July 22, 2019

Urban Area in Hong Kong Essay Example for Free

Urban Area in Hong Kong Essay An Infant becomes elderly as time flies, buildings also do. According to the annual report of the Urban Renewal Authority, there’re 18,000 of buildings over more than 30 years in Hong Kong. All 3600 buildings are in poor conditions. To reverse the urban decay is race against time, redevelopment work is then necessary to carried out in Hong Kong by replacing old buildings with new. In recent years, the Urban Renewal Authority has adopted the concept of sustainable development in order to balance social, economic and environmental impacts on the redevelopment process in Hong Kong. How does it overcome the difficulties in these aspects? We’ll mainly describe them in the following paragraphs with evidences. Environmental The Urban Renewal Authority has been implementing an environmental- friendly and sustainable development in enhancing the built ambiance in urban areas. Vision City and Mount Davis 33 are the typical examples, whose vertical greening developments have been well adopted. The two projects have rewarded the platinum standard certificates by the HK-BEAM Society in recognition of the environmental features in 2006 and 2007 respectively. After the redevelopment of the Vision City, about 8,000 square feet of such vertical greening will be formed by the 40,000 plants. In addition, appropriate and sustainable environmental provisions are made into the construction of joint venture developments of the Urban Renewal Authority. After the application of the green features such as High Thermal Performance Structural Fabric, Renewal Energy Lighting System, and Grey Water Recycling System, Lee Tung Street’s carbon dioxide emission has reduced 23%. Mr. Cheung, the URA Chairman stated that â€Å"this reduction in the projects carbon footprint is equivalent to about 170,000 trees. Why it can reduce such a large amount of carbon dioxide? Let’s take a look of E-glass, an example of High Thermal Performance Structural Fabric, which can reduce the overall cooling load and heat island effect by reflecting 48% of solar energy outwards indoors. For another example which is the Renewal Energy Lighting system, it uses the mixture of street lamps and electronic sunlight collectors to let the street look shinier. Also, there will be less changing the light bulbs daily and for the lighting system; it is use of sun sensor and optical fiber to make the lighting system more environmentally friendly. For the example on Low lighting power for common areas such as the front of the house, when no one is in that particular area, the lights will be switched off automatically. On the other hand, when people entered a room, the lights will be turn on because of the light sensor. Therefore, the Urban Renewal Authority has been developing a green, modern and environmentally-friendly showcase for the renewal areas. Conclusion In conclusion, the urban redevelopment has improving residents’ living standards, promoting a sound economy, and also creating an environmentally-sustainable urban environment in Hong Kong through the redevelopment. One-day success is not a victory. To maintain sustainable redevelopment for Hong Kong cannot only rely on the Urban Renewal Authority, but also government support and everyone’s participation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview Of Electronic Funds Transfer Marketing Essay

Overview Of Electronic Funds Transfer Marketing Essay ABSTRACT My thesis is based on the E-banking technology in which consumers can acquire more perfect, more rapidly and quick banking services from the programmed banking system. This technology has also been implemented by the global banks as well as by banks in Pakistan to provide well-organized and efficient services to their privileged consumers. The objective of this thesis is conceded to unchain the importance that Pakistani banks are associated with this form of e-banking technology that is being executed by the banks for providing the electronic services to the consumers and in what degree this technology is significant to customers. This research work will also aid to conclude whether the e-banking services are more perfect, more rapidly and quick banking services. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION When Internet has entered into our daily life, the most dimensions of our lives such as education, communication, business, etc, were overshadowed by this novel phenomenon. One of these dimensions is to handle banking affairs through the Internet (Shirali Shahreza, 2007). According to (Richard Nyangosi Arora, Sumanjeet Singh, 2009) banking through electronic channels has gained much popularity in recent years. This system, popularly known as e-banking, provides faster delivery of banking services to a wide range of customers. Information technology is becoming an important factor in the future development of financial services industry, and especially in banking industry (Nami. M. R, 2009). In current business environments, customers using the services products of the banks want better choice. (Avkiran, 1999) stressed the importance of the human touch in the customer services. The capability of banking staff can be expected to directly affect the customers satisfaction. However, e-banking technologies can help in better understanding customers needs and customizing the services/ products according to their needs. In the new era there is a need of bank customers to get improved electronic banking services and also better relations with the bankers. It is also the need of time to provide efficient services/products to the customers. In Pakistan however, such kind of electronic banking has started recently. Online banking system present to their consumers a set of information-related benefits that favors to adopt e-banking, including the facility for the customers to control their bank accounts at any time and any place, and to access information content for making investment and financing decisions (Howcroft B, 2002). Due to the competition among the banks in Pakistan, the banks want to provide the services, which are more efficient, rapid and enhanced the banking system. Therefore, the objective of e-banking is to create such working environment where customers can easily find about the information they require for performing financial transactions. 1.1.1 Definition of E-Banking Electronic banking, known as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), it is basically the use of electronic methods or means to transfer money electronically directly from one account to another account, rather than cash or cheque. We can use electronic funds transfer for: 1. We can withdraw money by an ATM machine with a personal identification number (PIN), for our convenience at day or night. We can guide our bank or credit union to pay automatically monthly utility bills from our account, or our auto loan even our mortgage payment. 2. We can buy food, fuel for our personal transport, and other goods at the purchasing point, using a credit card rather than cash. 3. We can use a prepaid smart card embedded for our daily purchasing like pay phone, toll expenses, daily college expense or any bookstores. 1.2 BACKGROUND The increasingly change in worldwide competitiveness in commercial behaviors has improved the volume of bank in the world. It has produced additional banking knowledge and also improved customer demand of services given by banks. This revolution has set a motion in the banking sector for the provision of a payment system that is compatible with the demands of the electronic market (Balachandher, 2001). On the behalf of increased competition, many banks and organization did not only reduce their costs but they have also increased their products. Technology has changed the preconditions for service delivery, dramatically in recent years (Fredriksson, 2003). The banks are the financial institutions to provide consumers savings services, money transmission services and credit services (Sinkey, 1990). In other terms, banks are concerned with safe transaction and collection of management functions. In this regard the main object of the banks is to making profits and giving best services to their customers. Customers are eager to a banks behavior because the customers are the most significant cause of a banks deposit and revenue creation. These customers may either be a single person or group of a person or organization. According to (Chaudhury Kuilboer, 2002) the potential of providing innovative services over the Web is limited only by ones imagination. Online services, especially banking services, are becoming more attractive and alternative to visiting service outlets or phone call centers for increasing their customers. Therefore it become easy for the customers to prefer online services (Szymanski Hise, 2000), feel more in control of the service process (Bateson, 2000) to avoid from human contact with time saving (Meuter M.L. 2000). In Pakistan however, banking organizations have been focused on censure for not given to their customers with original and suitable banking services. Therefore, the outcome that some customers, find it suitable to keep their money or reserves at home than the banks. Studies will carry out by two famous banks working in Pakistan, which have researched and applied computerized technology for the delivery of banking services. Although, banking administration has delayed to execute computer technology in banking exercises. A number of studies have concluded that IT has positive effects on bank services delivery to customers, bank productivity, cashiers work, banking transaction and banking investment. So, these have positive effects on the growth of banking system (Balachandher, 2001). In addition, delivery the high quality services is a way for the banking to improve their relationships with their customers. By the Delivering high quality services, banks can achieve customer satisfaction and through customer satisfaction banks can gain loyal customers (Grà ¶nroos, 2000). Because of the highly undifferentiated services and products, financial organizations specifically banks become main tool for competing in this marketplace (Kim J.K, Han, Choi Kim S.H. 1998). Much research has been done about the quality of services and customer requirements in the traditional banking environment, where personal interaction between the customers and the bank employees takes place (Oppewal Vriens, 2000). Therefore, this is very important for the online banking services providers to become more capable about the customers perceptions of the online banking services quality. On the other hand the customers also have more expectations and demand when they are using e-banking services either the services are satisfactory or not. Because it is quite easier for customers to evaluate and compare the benefits of competing services (Santos, 2003). 1.3 PROBLEMS DISCUSSION The study about e-banking adaptation has gained special attention during the last decade as for instance; banking journals have devoted special issues on the topic (Waite Harrison, 2002). There were a lot of grievances over the delays in traditional banking services, withdrawals and delay in processing. Time is money but the customers have to wait for a long time of their turn in the bank for any banking facility. Some time even from a remote area a customer has to travel to the concerned branch for any kind of transaction. On the closing hours it becomes more harmful if anyone want make a business deal for payment. Having the computerized operations and automated teller machine; it has made it easy that the banks would activate their e-units to support the online banking services. In Pakistan, manual-banking system was performing below standard services to the customers and it may be affected on the customers support. Transactions of the money from one manual bank to the other can take five to ten days. Some time, when the purpose of transferring the money has almost dead. Sometimes businessmen have to cancel their business deals due to the unavailability of the cash transferring facility in time in traditional banking system where services are as slow as non-secure, non-satisfactory. In order to satisfy customers needs, many banks build their set up through web sites and Internet that provide the services and information to customers and the better service can help to get higher profitability. With the studies of IT in substantial, that would put a positive effect on bank productivity, cashiers work, banking transaction, bank support, and delivery of bank service. These have positive effects on the growth of banking (Yasuharu, 2003). Now Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is providing broadband, which has enabled the customers to adopt the e-services instead of manual banking because these are much efficient and accurate. In Pakistan there is low literacy rate of workingwoman that are in service. But now young educated generation especially woman are trying to get jobs and taking part in nation building and economy and they have to use the banking services. Therefore the e-banking services will help and satisfy them regarding their expectations for efficient, accurate services. Recently, many local banks in Pakistan have used the online services as a new market channel to offer their customers a variety of services 24 hours a day. This e-banking, compared to traditional banking, heavily involves non-human interactions between customers and online bank information systems (Furst, Lang Nolle, 2002). When the customer evaluate of the e-banking service they received from Banks, then their satisfaction depends on website features/user interface design (Doll Torkzadeh, 1988) and that can be important to analyze the designed features of banking services delivered to the customers. 1.4 STUDY PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to establish the important that how the customers fond the concept and carry out e-banking services and to determine whether the utilization from the e-banking services, make more efficient, accurate and in time of banking services and also to make a variety and excellence between automated and a manual or ordinary Banking systems. To comprehend electronic Banking system in the context of Pakistan by the way of an analysis on the factors that manipulates customers favorable reception of electronic banking services. Particularly to consider the services and products associated with ordinary banking and e-banking with their fast, rapid, efficient, enhanced are more useful methods and to provide the customers to recognize the online banking services. It is to identify the significant aspects that shape the customers view about electronic service and features and the outcome of these services on customers satisfaction in Pakistani banking sector. The current study offers and considers a model to explain how ease, rapid, efficient operation, security, enhanced reliability and reaction positively and meaningfully affect customers awareness of e- services and how these manipulates the customers satisfaction. The leading issues pay attention in the study of e-banking customers to recognize the necessary dimensions of e-service provided by the banks. The study of the literature exposes the convenience, efficient operation, security and privacy, reliability with rapidness, and responsiveness with enhanced methods of e-banking service factors. These dimensions share many general facets of those quality determinants originated within the context of traditional service industries by earlier research (Parasuraman D. Grewal, 2000). Alternatively, these dimensions have their distinct attributes inherent in automated service quality environment (Al-Hiwari ward, 2006). The convenience dimension refers to ease of use and accessibility of the service at all times. The customers prefer flexibility to meet their financial needs at all times, which affect their perception of the e service quality (Gerrard Cunningham, 2003). Lio Cheung, 2002 found that accessibility positively determines perception of quality of service. (Lockettt Litter, 1997) and (Moutinho Goode, 1995) established that time utility is a major contributor of customers perception of e service quality. A lot of studies mentioned that the location e-service delivery is a strong driver of customers perception of e service quality (Aldlaigan Buttle, 2002; Almossawi, 2001; Levesque McDougall, 1996). The second dimension of e-service quality, efficient operation, relates to efficient and speedy operation of these services. Efficient in operations enhances the resources for the customers. Customers accord priority to user-friendliness of ATM. (White Nteli 2004) found that efficient and faster delivery has positive effect on customers perception for quality. Dilijonas, D.; Kriksciun ien, D.; Sakalauskas, V Simutis, R. 2009 argues that minimum breakdown of machines constitutes the essential aspect of e-service feature. (Al-Hawari ward, 2006) talks about the efficient ATM functions positively affect the customers perception of service quality. The element of consistency and dependability describes accurate and assured service at all times. Online users want to obtain the right quantity and right feature of service at all times, as promised by the banks. The literature provides strong support that rapidness, efficient and enhanced are essential determinants of customers perceived service quality and positively relates to customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸ use of online services (Fassnacht Koese, 2006; Polatoglu Ekin, 2001). The responsiveness aspect of e-service quality relates to the ability of the bank staff to provide the agreed services timely, accurately, dependably, and promptly. Customers prefer to resolve their complaints expeditiously (Karjaluoto, Mattila Pento, 2002). Prior studies indicate that responsiveness is crucial to sustain service quality and facilitates to build long-term relationship between service provider and the customers (Bauer, Falk Hammer Schmidt, 2006; Long McMillan, 2004). The research results will reflect a positive and strong relationship between online service quality and customers satisfaction. 1.5 BENEFITS OF E-BANKING The e-banking services open seven days a week and 24 hours a day. To decrease the cost-line and no need of physical bank branches To create more deep collection  for consumers needs and expectations. Terms of services to customers for their personal choices. Easy access for all. With the e-banking money can easily be get within no time from ATM machine. In current time E-banking has open out rapidly all over the world. Almost all Banks are making much use of E-banking amenities to offer good services. The extension of E-banking has also significantly advantaged the normal customer in all purposes. 1.5.1 Benefits from the customers point of view Common customers have been much affected in an optimistic manner by E-banking. A lot of ordinary tasks have been fully computerized resulting in much ease and reliable. The main benefit from the customers point of view is major time saving by the computerized of banking services as well as online processing and an easy maintenance tools for managing customers money. Some other key benefits of e-banking for customers are as follows (BankAway, 2001; Gurău, 2002). Decreased costs in operating and using the banking e-services. Increased relief and timesaving operation can be made 24 hours a day, without consulting with the bank. Rapid and enhanced access to information. Organizations or customers will have much easy access to get information as, they can check on several accounts on click of a button. Improved cash management. E-banking services speed up cash cycle and enhance the efficiency of business operations, as large types of cash management methods are available by e banking. Decrease costs in terms using the different e-banking products and services Rapidness the reply of services is very fast therefore the customers can actually wait till the last minute before final fund transfer transaction. Customers can take their history of different funds management Consumers account is particularly accessible with in online account. Consumers can withdraw money at any time through ATMs that are now generally available all over the country. With withdrawing money, customers can also take mini banks statements, account balance on ATMs. Through online banking consumers can control their account while sitting in his office or in home. No need to go in the bank personally for such matters. E-banking has also provided the facility in payment of utility bills. There is no need to stand in long queues for these matters. All these services are generally available at bank website. The development of credit card and its usage also owes significantly to E-banking. Now a customer can purchase anything worldwide without moving paper money with him. Banking services are available 24 hours a day; seven days a week or they are only a mouse click away. 1.5.2 Benefits from the bank point of view Banking industry has also various benefits due to the development of E-Banking procedure. Some are mentioned as below. The core benefits for the banking point of view is that e-banking services are better response to the market. The main purpose of every financial organization is to boost up the profits for its vendors. Online banking services offer ideal chances for increasing the profits. Some clarifications for this pricing plan can be proposed Banks receive extra profits on transactions completed via electronic channels.The abundance of payments is not a main concern for banks. Cross subsidization in special services groups is used, for instance, profits from loan activity balance poor abundance from payment services. The development of E-banking has much helped the banks in minimizing their overheads charges and service cost. Many services and dull tasks have now been fully computerized and in better Efficiency and good time usage. The growth of E-banking has made banks more economical. It has also led to growth of banking industry, commencing of new opportunities for banking processes. E-banking has reduced the paper work in banking industry, thus give them to work with paper less environment. E-banking has also provided facility to bank in proper records and documentation of the transactions. The e-banking capabilities of computer networks, like as the Internet, are much better than any branch network. 1.6 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF E-BANKING With the fame of the Internet growing progressively, many industries are discovering new and attractive method to make it appealing medium to keep up with the continually altering preferences of clients. Nowadays, we can do almost everything over the Internet like shopping for home goods, business deals, contact with friends and so on. The Internet has apparently nonstop possibilities for the banking industry. Most of us have known about online banking services, and more than a majority has perhaps not even tried it yet. Some of us are feeling more relax and easy to work with real people, paper work and money instead of its virtual complement. At last there are a many advantages and disadvantages of online banking services. In this study there will be outline of good side as well as the bad side of online banking services. That you can feel online banking is safer way to manage your transactions and you can be overcome your fears. 1.6.1 Advantages Online banking is very suitable and convenient. It allows people to pay their bills and make transactions anytime during any time of the day and in the week. E-banking system never closes any time because people can access it through internet. There will be no matter in which country you are or anywhere in the world. Customers can make online transaction and handle your finances with conveniently. Secondly, e-banking services are very rapid, effective, enhanced and efficient. E-banking system also gives the option of transaction making in the different bank accounts from a website. Mostly e-banking websites are compatible with programs like Microsoft infrastructure, which makes organizations assets more valuable. 1.6.2 Disadvantages There are also some disadvantages in e-banking services. The main problem is that most people do not trust the transaction performed on online and almost wonder whether they did the right thing? Of course, people more relax and feel easy to find printing the transaction receipts of their transactions. The receipt will confirm them whether or not their transaction has gone successfully. For beginner e-banking can be difficult to learn and some time website could take time to start up. Some websites ask for identification, which can be very inconvenient for the new comers in e-banking. People like talking in person-to-person in case of any difficulty or problem. They like the personal touch like customer service and these kinds of people do not feel comfortable with e-banking. 1.7 ELECTRONIC BANKING IN PAKISTAN Electronic banking is the most recent in the line of technological aspects of the recent past in Pakistan. ATMs, mobile Banking, Credit Cards and Debit Cards, Internet Banking, Cyber Cash have come forward as useful delivery channels for usual banking services and products. In Pakistan, MCB RBS took as a pioneer to introduce ATMs and credit cards in the mid 1990s. The Annual Report of SBP (2003: p. 110) mentioned this delayed access of electronic banking by regulatory hurdles; much costs for startup, reforms on-going banking sector and lack of technological knowledge. The e-banking promoted with the circulation of the Electronic Transaction Ordinance 2002 by the Government of Pakistan. This attraction facilitates legal respect of digital signatures the risks associated, reducing documentation with the exercise of electronic technology in business. In current situation, almost all Pakistani commercial banks have their own setup and networks, they issuing debit and credit cards and have joined collectively in operating ATM Switch Networks with each others. As according to (Kolachi, 2006) Pakistani banks offers the following online banking services and products to their customers. Inquiry:  Account balance inquiry, Account statement inquiry, fixed deposit inquiry, Check statement inquiry Payment:  Credit and Debit cards payments, Transfer of funds, Utility bills payments and direct payments. Request:  Demand draft requests, Stop payment requests, Cheque/Check book requests, New fixed deposit requests Download:  Statement download, download Customer profile, other information and guidelines. The Annual Report (2009, p. 111) of SBP explains that domestic banks are the foremost provider of ATM facilities while foreign banks, like ABN AMRO Bank, Standard Chartered, and Citibank control the credit card business in Pakistan and over 95% of the total amount of transactions. 1.8 RESEARCH QUESTION The research question is in the sense that, the endurance of any e-banking system based on the large extent that depends on the banks ability to maintain and attract customers by offering modern and technologically enhanced banking services and products. Investigate between customer perception of e-services and the services environment in Pakistan. In order to understand and to be accomplishing the purpose, the research question of the study defined as follows: To what extent E-banking System is more efficient, rapid and offers enhanced opportunities compared with ordinary banking system in Pakistan?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Spring Oscillation to Find the Spring Constant

Spring Oscillation to Find the Spring Constant Title: Using a spring oscillation to find the spring constant. The aim of my report is to find the K (spring constant) by measuring the time of 10 complete oscillations with the range of mass of 0.05kg up to 0.3kg. It was been demonstrated by the lecturer and also the following instruction that I’ve been given. This experiment will show and prove that with this method, we can calculate the spring constant by using the following formula, In the meantime, we’ll be experience that we can get to find the spring constant, k, through this type method. What is a spring constant? Spring constant is a measure of stiffness or the ability to resist displacement under a load. It is denoted by K where; The SI unit for the spring constant; Nm-1 The spring constant tells u that it is the ratio of change of force with respect of deflection. So in other words, it is directly proportional to each other. The spring constant can also be known as the force constant. It is a measure of the elasticity of the spring. In theory, the more its elastic value, the more the force you will need to act to extend the spring. For example, a short spring has a higher spring constant than that of a long spring IF the other aspects or characteristics of it are the same or equal (thickness, material). It will take you 10N to extend a short spring with 1cm. To extend the long spring by the same amount, it would take less force, perhaps 5N for example. Introduction on Hooke’s Law Hooke’s law is the law of elasticity that was founded by the English scientist, Robert Hooke in the early 1660. It states that the extension or compression of a spring is directly proportional to the force exerted upon it. Sometimes Hooke’s law is formulated asF=−kx where as in this expressionFis no longer the applied force but it was the equal and oppositely directed restoring force that causes elastic materials like springs to return to their original forms. The law can also be expressed as the ratio of stress and strain. Stress is the force on unit areas within a material that develops as a result of the externally applied force while strain is the relative deformation produced by stress. For relatively small stresses, stress is proportional to strain. For particular expressions of Hooke’s law in this form, see bulk modulus; shear modulus; Young’s modulus. Diagram of the apparatus used Clear Description of the Method Used As can be seen from the previous page, these are the description of the method by using the apparatus from the picture and as prepared by the lecturer. At first, set up the apparatus which demonstrated by the lecturer. Hang the first mass on the spring. Allow the mass to oscillate up and down with a small amplitude and measure the time for ten complete oscillations. Calculate the average from both of the time’s sets. Find the time period T by dividing the average time by 10 Repeat all of the measuring of time by 5 more times with different masses which are from 0.05g. Make a table regarding the results that you analysed. Data Analysis Table Graph of T ² (y-axis) against m (x-axis) Analysis Discussion The first thing that needed to do is get all the information of the data that I’ve collected from this experiment using the method and Hooke’s Law. Next step, all the result data were then arranged in a Microsoft Excel, which is to be completed by using the table. With the results that I’ve got from the method to measure k (speed constant) and for every each of the value from the â€Å"Blue dots†, (from the graph) was accurate enough to its original value. Although, most of my values are in the range of 2 N/m, it is acceptable. Gradient To find the gradient of the graph, firstly, we need two particular points which included 2 values from x-axis and 2 more values from y-axis. The formula to find gradient is à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   The equation of a line is à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   For example, these values are from the graph: à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   (0.06, 0.06) à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   (0.29, 0.46) SUBSTITUTE à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   = 1.74 (value of my gradient) (look at my graph) Therefore it links with the equation of a line which is, Like this, Therefore the gradient is, Thus, substitute the following gradient value with this to find k. Value of k (speed constant) Finding the value of k, from the equation, The gradient that I found is 1.74N/m. Substitute it into the following gradient formula, Total value of k = 22.7Nmˆ°Ã‚ ¹ Percentage Difference (My total original value of spring constant divided by the value of spring constant) Multiply by 100. Ãâ€" 100 = 60.3% Accuracy and reliability First thing that we should know is that the spring constant is depended on the displacement under a load. So by the result that I have calculated with the method and the formula given to find T ² from the lecturer is not accurate as we would expected because of the formula that we should use is † â€Å". The required unit for spring constant value is the acceleration of the free fall gravity and the displacement of the spring. Even though we can find the constant K by using the method from our lecturer, it will not be as accurate as the one with the formula â€Å"â€Å", and with measuring time there’s a lot of miss accurate because of the possibility of human error. We can also substitute into† â€Å", however there is no value given for the length or displacement of the springs given, thus, giving us more uncertainties error. Comment: Reasons for Uncertainties Amplitude is different from each of the results causing it not to be precise. The disability of finding the missing length of the spring which is not constructed by the lecturer is very important to find the spring constant. Spring constant cannot be invented because as the number of how much weight or force that we need to apply to make the spring extended by 1 metre and based on the spring function. Due to the human error, the reaction of calculating time of the stopwatch will never be accurate. The measurement of an angle from working out the oscillation is inaccurate. Improvement for Uncertainties Firstly, we need the value of the spring length which will be easier to be calculated and comparing the percentage difference between the method that I’ve used and the one with this improvement. If there is a modern technology that can be invented that can measure the length of the spring when they stretch and to determine the time of oscillation with the creation of lasers to determine the period for each oscillation. Need an instrument that can hold the pendulum before and after the 10 complete oscillations so that every each of the oscillation within both period (time and time 2) will be measured accurately. In my honest opinion, the more accurate method to find the spring constant is to measure the spring’s displacement rather than using time as the unit to find k, spring constant, so we can now substitute the one we got previously to the formula Referencing Lists Bray, A. Barbato, G. Levi, R. (1990). Theory and Practise of Force Measurement. San Diego: Academic Press Limited. 52-53. Hosch, W.L. (2006). Hooke’s law Retrieved from Iris. (2009). what is spring constant? Retrieved from Keller, J.F. (1993). Physics Classical and Modern (2nd ed.). McGraw-hill Inc. 331-350.

Public Sentiments Concerning Chinese Immigration Essay -- Immigration

Public Sentiments Concerning Chinese Immigration In 1852, there were over 20,000 Chinese immigrants living in California (Franks). Americans reacted very negatively to this influx, and their negative sentiments were made apparent in the California Supreme Court’s People v. Hall verdict, which rendered Chinese testimony unreliable. Then, in 1882, President Chester Arthur signed the Chinese Exclusion Act, a law that prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the United States (Foner, 651). From the 1850s up to the Exclusion Act of 1882, Americans felt increasingly negative sentiments towards the Chinese. As illustrated through newspaper and magazine depictions along the Pacific Coast, the Americans perceived the Chinese as inferior and menacing and they felt threatened and invaded by their large numbers. In the image â€Å"Chinese Candy Man† from Harper’s Magazine, a Chinese man is depicted selling â€Å"rock canuy† to white children. This image illustrates how Americans viewed the Chinese as an intellectually inferior race. The Chinese man’s alleged skin tone is a very important feature because his skin is black. The skin tone illustrates how the Americans viewed the Chinese as an inferior race by categorizing them with blacks; in their eyes, the Chinese were subordinate like the slaves. The People vs. Hall verdict also reinforced this categorization: the California Supreme Court ruled that a white man could not be convicted on the testimony of a Chinese witness. Black slaves did not have the right to testify in court; this restriction was now being applied to Chinese people as well. This verdict claimed that they were intellectually unreliable and inferior to the proper white man, which is also shown in the illustrated Chinese ... with the first picture, it also depicts the Chinese as menacing and conniving people. These negative sentiments are also reinforced by events that occurred during the time, such as the previously mentioned Seclusion Act and the People v Hall trial. They also degrade the Chinese man by depicting him as a crawling creature and by categorizing them with the black slaves. Works Cited Franks, Joel. "The "Orient," Hawaii and Antebellum US to 1860." 29 Nov. 2011. Lecture. â€Å"The Chinese Candy Man.† 1868. [database on-line] (The Chinese in California, accessed 2 December 2011) ; available, image ID cubcic brk5353. â€Å"Amusing the Child.† 1882. [database on-line] (The Chinese in California, accessed 2 December 2011) ; available, image ID cubcic brk1522.

Friday, July 19, 2019

What is Art? Essay -- Essays Papers Definition Arts Artistic

What is Art? What a question! This very same topic has been on the minds of many great people for many years. Just what exactly is art? Art is a form of expression. It is beautiful, ugly, tasteful, distasteful, impressionistic, get the point. Art is everywhere. It lives in the soul, mind, and even the heart. Art is an outlet for people to express themselves. Art is a way for the human mind to express itself. Even a loud, outgoing person has feelings that they do not feel comfortable sharing with people. These expressions often come out through their art. What is classified as art? Besides the obvious?paintings, drawings, architecture, etc?Art can be dancing, singing, acting, etc. It can be pretty much anything that expresses an idea. Even something as common as speech is art. Everyone speaks with a different voice, and each voice is a piece of art. Art surrounds us. It is encountered so often that often we don?t realize art when we see it. All too often we ignore art. We overlook the ideas and thoughts behind it. Anyone can look at a painting and say ?Wow! That?s beautiful!? How many of us can actually stop and say ?Wow! Now I understand!? Art is around to teach us. We can learn so much about ourselves and the world around us. Many times we create art without a conscious reason. We believe that we are just making a pretty picture. Usually we are expressing a subconscious idea. If take the time to actually analyze and criti...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Affect of Women in Advertisement Essay

Abstract Due to advertisement clutter in the 21st century customers are exposed to a variety of advertising appeals that aims to influence their attitudes towards a wide range of products and services. Many companies worldwide are using women as an object to attract and influence consumers’ attitudes towa rds the products they sell. Women appear in huge number of advertisement as a sexual object or as attractive decorative model standing nearby a product, even when the sexual image has little relevance to the advertised product. This article looks at Jordan ian male consumers’ attitude towards using women in advertisement. Results reveals four factors tend to influence consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement. Culture, control, and emotion were found to have a significant influence on consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement, while there was no significant influence for women appearance on consumer attitude towards using women in advertisement. In general Jordanian male consumers’ were opposed to exposing, exploiting and objectifying the woman and her body in advertisement. Introduction Research on advertisement featuring sex role focused on how content and imagery affect cognitive responses and attitude toward the advertisement, which in turn affect attitude toward the brand and purchase intention (Jaffe, 1994; Leigh and Whitney, 1987). Attitude toward advertising can be defined in general as learned tendencies to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner to advertising in general (Lutz, 1985; Mackenzie and Lutz, 1989). The link between attitudes, intentions and behavior has been explained primarily by Ajzen (1985, 1988), Ajzen and Fishbein (1980). This theory is based on the assumption that human beings usually behave in a sensible manners where they will take into account information available to them and consider the consequences of their actions. Thus people are expected to act in accordance with their intentions. The personal factor is the attitude toward the behavior, which is the individual‟s positive or negat ive evaluation of performing the behavior of interest. Whereas the social determinant of intention is the person‟s perception of social pressure to perform the behavior under consideration. People generally intend to perform a behavior when they evaluate it positively and belief that important others think they should perform it. Advertisements perceived as contentious will not be effective in capturing the attention of people or changing their attitudes towards the advertised products (Michell and Al-Mossawi, 1995). Based on that, it‟s very essential to choose the appropriate advertisement strategies employed in advertising which range from informational to emotional. Among those designed to stir emotions or rouse particular feelings, we can find fear, humor, warmth, novelty, contrast, animation, music, and sexual arousal. According to Reichert et. al. (2001) sex appeal advertising invokes any message, which, whether as brand information in advertising contexts or as persuasive appeals in marketing contexts, is associated with sexual information. It has long been an accepted belief that this form of advertising is very effective at attention-grabbing, considered by some commentators as a powerful step in reaching one‟s target market, especially in the current clutter of 21st century marketing and communications (Reichert & Lambiase, 2003). Sexual economics theory (SET) is a stimulating theory about sexuality that combines the idea of gender differences in sexual attitudes with social exchange theory, which S precher, (1989) conceptualize as two or more parties that each give up something with the aim of getting back something of greater value. Much research suggests that sex as an end in itself is less valued by women than men (Baummeister et al., 2001). Ther efore, sexual economics theory posits that women possess substantially greater negotiating power than do men in the context of a sexual exchange. Based on this theory, the current study will focus on men and the way women are used to persuade them in adver tisement to influence their attitudes. Using women in advertisement as a sexual appeal has transferred women to a marketing instrument by many firms. Women are used as a material mostly in advertisements (Bayraktar, 2011). In many advertisements, the ideal woman is an object that exists to satisfy men‟s sexual desires. Many researchers have shown that women in advertisements are portrayed as sex objects (Baker, 2005). Advertisers feature provocative images of sexually attractive women in ads (Reichert, 2 002). Sexual appeals in advertisements consist of a variety of elements models. Courtney and Whipple (1983) describes sexuality in advertisements as sexuality in the form of nudity, sexual imagery, innuendo, and double entendre used as an ad object for dif ferent kinds of products. Reichert (2002) reveals that common forms of sexuality in ads includes nudity (dress), physical attractiveness, seductive behavior and interaction, innuendo, and other factors such as setting, context and camera effects. While Lambiase and Reichert (2003) propose that there are five types of sexual content in ads: Nudity, sexual behavior, physical attractiveness, sexual referents, and sexual embeds. Ramirez and Reichert (2000) propose that viewers consider physical characteristics the most sexual in ads and the sub-categories of these characteristics are clothing, attractiveness and body. Table 1 shows the categories of women appearance in advertisements and their meanings in USA. It‟s noteworthy to say that women misrepresentation in advertisement is a world wide phenomenon. In India, for example, Bag and Roy (2010) bring up various reasons behind unaccept ed representation of women in advertisement, such as poverty where still a number of women, particularly young girls with intolerable economic misery compelled to represent themselves in different forms of uncultured version for survival. To the contrary some rich women’s do it as a hobby, just to get mental or psychological satisfaction through modeling, front page sensational attraction in different popular magazines. Globalization is another factor responsible for misrepresentation of women in advertisement. Being attracted to western culture, teenager girls have been adopting western style in their garments and manners and hence, they have been losing their own culture and tradition, social values and moral character. Consumerism, which tries hard to inc rease the consumption of people, is another cause of such unaccepted representation. Much consumption means much economic profit which a group of people highly want. Profit maximization has escalated the introduction of women in a number of advertisements of different companies in television, magazine, T.V., Cinema, Newspaper, Cartoons, painting and even in the Internet to attract customers from different age groups. The different types of women representation in advertisement are presented below. Representation through Television- There is a lot of representation of women in advertisement through T.V. which affect common people and children adversely. It is obvious that visual indecent representation of them has been perverting psychologically all youth. Representation through Newspaper- Newspaper is another source of representation in indecent manner. Readers from almost all age group are intensely influenced while observing and reading those undesirable advertisements. Representation through Magazine- Similar examples will be cited in several advertisements in several reputed magazines where the honor of women have not only been despoiled simultaneously people are being psychologically endangered. But interestingly, by virtue of human instinct, neither presenter nor consumer is realizing its adverse impact. Other forms of Representation- There are other forms of uncultured representation which we can find rarely but have both internal and external effects on common people. Despite fewer in number, such representations are noticed in different sorts of paintings, hoarding hanging or fixed in cities and towns, and even displayed in Internet. Painting of undesirable quality is often displayed in cinema hall for greater publicity. Similarly, a lot of painters draw naked or half naked figures, which may have inner good meaning, but it is a matter of question how many people are finding that inner good meaning and how many are taking those adversely. Research Problem and Significance Very few studies tries to explain the influence of using women in advertisement based on cultural factors. Researchers have either concentrated on or compared dissimilar cultures, such as the U.S and Japan or they have focused on similarities or differences on similar cultur es, such as Great Britain and Australia (Al-Olayan and Karande, 2000). Many researches explain ads by using Hofstede‟s cultural dimensions or Hall‟s high and low typology and other country specific variables. Culture dominates communications, such as langu age, traditions, beliefs and music (Al-Olayan, & Karande, 2000). Therefore, the main motivation behind this article is to identify the influence of using women in advertisement on male consumers‟ attitude in Jordan. This study is conducted in a Muslim country where Shariah (Islamic Law) prohibit the use of sexual appearance or body in a way to attract or convince consumers with company products, brands or services. This study is significant for the reason that there is no any study has been done in this field regarding this issue. Another reason for doing this study is to increase our understanding of the Arab societies, and in this case Jordan. Research Objectives The objectives of this research are: 1) To identify the factors that may affect male Jordanian consumers‟ attitude towards using women in advertisement 2) To examine consumers overall attitude towards using sexy women in advertisement Theoretical Background Culture and Advertisement Marketers need to observe the cultural traits, environments, norms, beliefs, and values of a particular country or region to obtain an understanding of whether their future behaviors will be perceived as ethical (Haque et al., 2010). For example, companies advertising their products or services in different countries should be aware of a country‟s existing norms concerning role portrayals and the way these organizations affect these norms (Gilly, 1988). Clow and Baack (2009) maintained that culture, religion and value system determine the levels of nudity, sexual references, and gender specific issues that are permitted in a country. Several differences have also been recognized across countries for men and women appear in different settings and for different products. Women are more likely to be portrayed in domestic environment as sex objects, while men are more likely to be portrayed being occupied. In Sweden, for example advertisers show men and women in greater variety of nonworking roles than in the U.S.A and Germany and women in Asian countries are less likely to be shown as sex objects (Das, 2000). Since in many Middle Eastern countries, sex and gender issues are taboo subjects, sexual appeals are not used in advertising and even sexually related products are difficult to advertise (Bryant, 1998). Muslim nations tend to reject any kind of nudity and any reference to sexuality and other gender -related issues. Any hint of sexuality or display of the female body is strictly forbidden. In Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, women must be shown in family settings. They cannot be depicted as being carefree or desirable to the opposite sex. Marlin (2008) conduct a study on how culture affects advertisement, he used an advertisement showing a sexy picture for Paris Hilton, the famous model wearing a bikini and asked respondents to writ e their reactions. About 27% had positive reactions, 45% had negative reactions and 28% were indifferent. For this advertisement some respondents were confused whether it is an advertisement for a burger or for a car. The results show that different cultures imply different reactions, some of the comments the respondents wrote were: †¢ Unrealistic, bizarre (German respondent) †¢ It is not about the product, they are selling a lifestyle (Iranian respondent) †¢ Nice, interesting (French respondent) †¢ Too much naked skin (1 Ethiopian and 1 Swedish respondent) †¢ I am discussed, angry and feel fat (Swedish respondent) †¢ Too naked, too unrealistic (Moroccan respondent) †¢ Sexistic (Swedish respondent) †¢ Inappropriate, bad taste (French respondent) †¢ It is totally unnecessary for the object of advertising (Swedish respondent) Muslim countries are not the only ones with restrictive advertising for sex appeals. Many Christian countries such as Ireland, Spain, South Africa, Mexico and the Philippines have similar standards. 184 While in Canada, France, and Sweden, sexism should be avoided in any advertising directed toward children (Boddewyn, 1991). Based on that, understanding how religious beliefs influence the attitude towards the advertising is of great importance to international advertisers and advertising agency managers in their efforts to improve advertising effectiveness without offending or alienating their target audience. It‟s important to comprehend that Islamic social philosophy is based on the belief that all spheres of life: spiritual, social, political, and economic form an indivisible unity that must be thoroughly imbued with Islamic values. Advertisement and Women in the Muslim world The aim of this section is to give an in-depth understanding on the nature and position of women and advertisement in the Muslim world to help and benefit marketers and the advertising producers in the Muslim world to gain a profound understanding of Muslim values. As a starting point, it‟s important to note that the Holy Quran does not prohibit advertising (Al-Makaty et al., 1996). Some advertisements use religious terminology to reassure consumers of the Islamic integrity of products and services. For example, in a television advertisement, a Saudi Investment ba nk in Egypt had used religious terms to show that it had no unlawful transactions and that all of its financial products Shariah compliant. The use of selected Quranic injunctions and words can enhance the mood of the advertising communication to make it more appealing to Muslim consumers. Luqmani et al. (1989) provide an example of a manufactured water pump that uses a verse from the Quran in advertising. Although it is obviously welcome to keep in mind that the Islamic regulations related to business and marketing, appropriate implementation of precise Islamic terms is crucial. Contrary to this, a business may face unexpected troubles in gaining markets in Muslim populous areas if some how its advertisements create feelings that are inconsistent with religious sensitivities. In such a context, the most potential and contemporary issues in Islamic markets should be carefully introduced, developed, and offered through appropriate advertising and communication messages which meet the commitment of ethics as gu ided in the Islamic Shariah. For example, the Islamic system encourages moderation in living, while prodigality and waste are denounced. Costly promotional efforts and massive commercial advertisements by businesses are considered unnecessary. Producers of advertisements must make sure that their advertising campaign does not overstep any social or legal norms. Little attention has been paid on the exposure of advertisement in the Arab societies. Except from investigations in Saudi Arabian ads, there is only one study that has examined the cross-cultural differences in advertising content in other countries in the Middle East and only one study of the portrayal of Egyptian women in television commercials. Luqmani et al., (1987) study focused only on the influence of Islam on advertising content and regulation in Saudi Arabia while Michell and Al-Mossawi, (1999) study focused on message contentiousness among Gulf Co-operative Council countries, and showed that religious Muslims scored lower in terms of recall and were unfavorable towards contentious advertisements relative to lenient Muslims. The findings suggest that there is a difference in perceived controversial elements in advertisements between a devout and a lenient Muslim. These findings also highlight the importance of matching creative execution and message content to a society‟s socio-cultural environment. Michell and Al-Mossawi claim an offensive advertisement will not be effective in capturing an audience‟s attention or changing his/her attitudes. Both of these studies revealed the importance of understanding the Islamic religion in relation to effective advertising. In particular, Luqmani et al., assert that unconventional advertisements must obtain prior approval from religious authorities. While in Malaysia, Unilever‟s used an ad for Pond‟s skin lightening moisturizer showing a Malay college student using the product for a fairer complexion to attract a boy‟s attention. The ad is deemed offensive to the Muslim ethnic culture (Haque et al., 2010). In addition to the above mentioned facts, the women‟s status is debated among traditional Islamists, reformist Islamists and feminists, secular or Islamic. The traditional Islamists are clear about the male-female differences and insist on the distinct sex roles. They view women as emotional, sentimental and weak humans whose duty is in the household. The traditional Islamists take every verse in the Qur‟an as a source of protection of women and see women as minors that need to be protected by superior men. In return the woman will nurture the family and try to please her father, brother or son, or whoever may be the head of the household. The woman has a responsibility to maintain the honor, reputation and status of the family. Traditionally, a man‟s hon or depends on the extent on the virginity of his sisters, wife and daughters, and widows divorcees‟ sexual continent. 185 The Islamic reformists believe that the inferiority is only in relation to the woman‟s physical strength and weaker autonomy, thus she is capable of participating in all spheres or public and social life. Modern and liberal reformists are trying to accommodate the Islamic rules with the realities of modern times. The feminist view is a secular movement whose aim is to achieve equality for women. The roots of this movement consider the woman as totally subordinated to the man and that the veil is a symbol of this. Advertising in Jordan Jordan‟s media sector has seen significant privatization and liberalization efforts in recent years. Based on official rack rates, research firm Ipsos estimated that the advertisement sector spent some $303m towards publicity in Jordan‟s media, 80% of which was spent on newspapers, followed by TV, radio and magazines. In recent years, Jordan has also seen a spectacular rise in the number of blogs, websites and news portals as sources of news information. The increasing diversification of Jordan‟s media boosted advertising revenues and private initiatives. Recording growth of 30%, 2007 turned out to be yet another outstanding year for Jordan‟s advertising industry. Following nearly a decade of double-digit growth, the Jordanian advertising had some catching up to do with the rest of the region in terms of average expenditure per capita. Since 2000 total ad spend increased from $77m to $303m in 2008, an increase of 260%. The Jordanian telecoms sector was the biggest ad spender in 2008, accounting for around 20% of the market, followed by banking and finance sector (12%), services industry (11%), real estate (8%) and the automotive sector (5%). Research Design In order to measure Jordanian male consumers‟ attitude towards using women in advertisement , male respondents between 18-55 years were selected. The survey instrument included a list of 22 statements from which respondents were asked to indicate their level of personal acceptance on a five-point scale, where 1 means â€Å"Strongly Disagree† and 5 means â€Å"Strongly Agree†. Statements from 1 -17 was designed to measure factors affecting consumers attitude towards using women in advertisement. Most of the statements were adapted from earlier studies, for example (Al Makaty et al. 1996; Nordà ©n 2006; and Baker, C.N. 2005). While statement 18-22 were designed to measure consumers overall attitude towards advertisements. The statements were adapted from earlier studies as well such as (Usman, 2010; and Ashill, 2005). Respondents belonging to different demographic groups in terms of education level, marital status and profession were considered in the study. The sampling frame for the study was male consumers living in west of Amman. For respondents‟ selection, simple random sampling procedure was adopted. Questionnaires were filled by the respondents. The total number of respondents was 450. The responses received were 353 (80.5 per cent). Cronbach alpha reliability analysis was conducted for the items included in the study. The internal consistency – Cronbach alpha value for reliability of the questionnaire was found to be 0.74. All items were well above the 0.70, which was the commonly accepted threshold (Nunnally 1978). Respondent Profile Respondents from different parts of west Amman were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Table 2 depicts a summation of the study‟s respondents‟ demographic information. As per research objectives all the respondents are male consumers. Of the 353 respondents, 79.0 per cent were less than 25 years of age. A larger number of respondents were unmarried (74.4 per cent) the maximum respondents fell into this age group, since youth is the target market and they are the ones who pay maximum attention to the advertisements. Out of the remaining sample, only 2.3 per cent were above 55 years of age. The remaining 29.5 per cent belonged to the age group of 26–55 years of age. The larger number of r espondents was unmarried (74.4 per cent), and this could be attributed to the young age of the respondent. In addition most of them 78.5 percent were with undergraduate education. The maximum respondents in the category „profession‟ belonged to the student group with a major share of 68.2 per cent and the remaining 31.8 per cent included businessmen, executives and others. The overall composition of respondents included in the study was young, unmarried and students.