Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research Analysis Opinion Paper ( government class)

Analysis Opinion ( government class) - Research Paper Example Texas had its ideals and overall goals aligned with those of the unionist until the Republican party leaders started criticizing most of the southern institutionsi. Some of the issues that the north and the south did not see eye to eye on included; slave trade, trade with England and export tariffs. Most Texas inhabitants did not own slaves but did have the same view as their southerners of non-abolition of the slave trade by the federal congressii. They believed that that was a privy of the state and not of Congress. During this time, the Union states were considering between staying in the union or secession and joining the Confederacy of the South. Texas was not the 1st state to pull out, but its pull out led to the actual break of the four-year war. During the time of Texas secession, President Abraham Lincoln had been inaugurated in office (February 15, 1861). The union government under President Lincoln said that the southern states did not have a right to leave the union in a manner that they leftiii. Most of the states in the south had left to confederate as shown by image 1. The federal government maintained that the union had authority over them. Texas on the other hand wanted the union military out of Texas and took the step of raiding the union’s military bases, and this was the beginning of the war. There were significant differences between the southern states (Texas) and their northern counterparts that made the initial attempts of unification a non-smooth sail. The first and the most important was their different economic structures. The northern states were industrialists; they had developed textile industries among others, while the lower states were agriculturalists, farmed cash crops and kept livestockiv. This was the primary reason as to why the Texans were opposed to the abolishing of the slave trade. Though as indicated earlier most families did not own slaves, but they depended on the slaves to till their land and heard the

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