Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Essay Brah

YR12 LEGAL STUDIES ASSESSMENT FAMILY LAW There are legion(predicate) different family types in todays society. This has changed from a cartridge holder when there were just the handed-down ii parent families, where a man and a woman were married and had children. This was the traditional family. In todays society however many of the traditional ideas of what a family is pull in changed quite dramatically and because there is a collect for the natural laws to change in order for this to accommodate the growing residual of society. These new types of families that pass on begun to be recognised by the law include: central and Torres Strait islander Customary Marriages heteroicous Marriages De f pitying make believeivityo Relationships Same Sex relationships Single Parent Families Childless turn married Couples Blended Families Extended Families As a number of the ever-changing view of society many of the laws have presently changed, which more(prenominal) widely accepts different family types, not just the traditional view. The Family integrity Act of 1975 is a good example of this as it was the act that stated that children from all the different family types are to be regarded as the same in front of the law. No child should be disadvantaged because of the parents decisions. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
As the married couple was traditionally regarded as the normal family the law has defined it since 1866 with the Hyde Vs. Hyde Case. Which stated that a sum total was the union of a man and a woman to the forcing come out of all some other(a)s volunt arily entered into for life. This has been! codified in two the Marriage act and Family Law Act. As a vector sum the effectiveness of the law in recognising this type of family has been without most of the problems as it can be considered as the base for most of the laws concerning the other family types. This can be seen as the responsibility of the child is with orthodontic braces parents. Each parent is equally responsible for the child in both maintenance and overall care of the child. A divorce...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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